Episode 160
Beyond Trends: True Education, Sacrifice, & Financial Freedom | Ashlee Norman | Hairstylist + Educator + Mom | AshleeNormanHair.com
Tune in to hear Ashlee Norman share her story, how to think about education, and how to find your financial freedom!
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-- Ashlee went to cosmetology school during High School and then went to University while working part-time in the salon.
-- The ability and habit of focus and hard work was a natural fit to become an independent educator.
-- She married her high school sweetheart, and ten years into hairdressing, she had her first child, and her husband joined her company to become a business team not long after.
-- Out of school, it was hard to build a clientele because there was no social media.
-- Ashlee got into education through visiting NYC, re-teaching at her salon, and building an apprenticeship program.
-- In order to invest in her education and career, she did not go out much and took financial advice and this meant living in a 450 sq ft apartment ... hard work, sacrifice, and investment!
-- If you want to have a truly enriched life, you must learn to manage your finances, which means not always getting your fancy coffee or nails done. It means staying in and saving sometimes when others are going out. Like the bible says: "A debtor is a slave to the lender" or in other words, living paycheck to paycheck is a form of modern-day financial slavery, and the only way to break the bondage is to make sacrifices of spending money and putting value in places that others around you may not see. Saving and budgeting early in your career is one of the most important things you can do.
-- Getting into education before social media required working with a brand and working your way, slowly, up the ladder. Now, anyone who knows how to build social media can skip those steps of training and become an independent educator. Ashlee is working to bring back the super high quality of academy training from before social media to the world while using social media’s relevance.
👉Follow Ashlee Norman on IG, check out her website, and all of her personal recommendations on her episode page
The Hairdresser Strong Show is all about Salon Owners, Rising Stylists, and Seasoned Stylists sharing their experiences, successes, failures, and advice to inform, educate, and empower their Fellow Hairdresser. We won’t stop until we are all: Hairdresser Strong.
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