Episode 108
Get Out of Your Recession Mindest & Into a Growth Mindset | Steve Gomez | Industry Business Coach + Trainer + Author | Steve Gomez Business Coaching | CA
Tune in to hear Steve share why you should get out of your recession mindset and into a growth mindset!
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-- Abundant growth-minded thinking: tracking, analyzing, attacking; use data!
-- We will be in and out of recessions throughout our life.
-- Do not let a recession or other bad world news cause panic.
-- Clients will be cutting out expenses but still need their hair done. Make it extra special, so they feel better about spending the money with you.
-- Your business always needs you to grow it.
-- Make a plan for our guests and do not get complacent or arrogant, taking your clients for granted...no more assumptions! Clients feel nervous about recessions and global news too!
-- Understand how you can best service your clients via retail & additional services they NEED!
-Check out Steve's website: https://stephengomez.net/
-Follow Steve on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saloncoachsjg/
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-Follow Steve on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalonCoachSJG
-Connect with Steve on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-gomez-77851615/
We deliver curated resources, coaching, advice, and first-hand experience so you may become a well-rounded, self-sufficient, business-savvy, and strong individual, ready to transition or transform yourself and the industry. We won’t stop until we are all: Hairdresser Strong.
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The views and opinions of our guests are theirs and important to hear. Each guest's views and opinions are their own and we aim to bring you diverse perspectives, career paths and thoughts about the craft and industry so you can become Hairdresser Strong! They do not necessarily reflect the positions of HairdresserStrong.com.