Episode 125
Rising Stylist Challenges & Struggles, From Their School Director | Diana Varvaro | Director | Paul Mitchell The School NYC |
Tune in to hear Diana Varvaro give us insight into Rising Stylists' challenges & struggles while giving you very important nuggets of information for all entrepreneurs in the beauty business.
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Paul Mitchell School Placement Leader = matchmaker for salons and their students, aka Future Professionals, aka Rising Stylists
The biggest thing Rising Stylists are thinking about is a comfortable environment to work in.
How the stylists, not necessarily the owner, treats Rising Stylists can make or break the relationship they have with the salon.
Have clear expectations and directions by having a clear chain of command or education so Rising Stylists are not confused or feel intimidated by not knowing whom to listen to or ask.
Rising Stylists are more sensitive than previous generations and require greater investment. To increase your chances of getting an ROI on training Rising Stylists: utilize shadow days and model trials to ensure you are hiring a good fit.
Also, have them perform services while they are training.
Rising Stylists want benefits like flexibility and paid time off
SALON OWNERS: try having some short shifts and longer shifts to be more appealing to Rising Stylists.
Big companies like ULTA, JC Penney, & Sephora pitch to Rising Stylists and are able to provide benefits that the rest of the industry usually cannot.
-- Follow Diana Varvaro on Instagram
-- Follow Paul Mitchell The School, NYC on Instagram
The Hairdresser Strong Show is all about Salon Owners, Rising Stylists, and Seasoned Stylists sharing their experiences, successes, failures, and advice to inform, educate, and empower their Fellow Hairdresser. We won’t stop until we are all: Hairdresser Strong.
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The views and opinions of our guests are theirs and important to hear. Each guest's views and opinions are their own and we aim to bring you diverse perspectives, career paths and thoughts about the craft and industry so you can become Hairdresser Strong! They do not necessarily reflect the positions of HairdresserStrong.com.