Episode 105
Salon Owners Vs. Gen-Z; Both Have Changes to Make | Kelly Gorsuch | Serial Entrepreneur + Owner | Hells Bottom Barbershops + Immortal Beloved Salon | DC + VA
Tune in to hear Kelly Gorsuch, Owner of Hells Bottom Barbershops + Immortal Beloved Salon, discuss what changes both Salon owners and Gen-Z must make for a more successful future.
- Spend more time training at a high pricepoint salon as opposed to getting on the floor quickly at a lower pricepoint salon to increase your opportunity to make more money faster.
- Even going to a top-tier school, you are not going to be ready to take on the majority of client requests.
- Do not confuse online education with good education.
- The education you pay for online is also not guaranteed to be any good.
- Overnight, a high-end salon without a training program can become a low-quality salon in the event of a walkout because the salon owner gets desperate and hires anyone regardless of skill...beware when picking a salon!
- Follow Kelly Gorsuch on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kellygorsuch/
- Follow Immortal Beloved: www.instagram.com/immortalbelovedsalon/
- Follow Hell's Bottom Richmond, VA: www.instagram.com/barberofhellsbottomrva/
- Follow Hell's Bottom Washington, DC: www.instagram.com/barberofhellsbottom/
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