Episode 224

SPECIAL: Salon Opening, Real-Time Docuseries: Pre-Opening Intro | Jessica Morrison + Brianne Blazosky | Co-Owners, Darling Nikki Salon

This special episode kicks off our new miniseries following Brianne and Jessica, co-owners of Darling Nikki Salon, a four-chair salon in Pittsburgh, PA. Join us as we document their journey from pre-opening to opening and beyond, exploring the challenges, triumphs, and unique approaches that shape their salon's story over the next year!

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🔅A Strong Support System is Crucial: Brianne and Jessica highlight the importance of leaning on friends, family, and personal connections to navigate the challenges of opening a salon.

🔅Concierge Management Empowers Stylists: Their innovative business model focuses on handling all operational tasks, allowing stylists to channel their energy solely into creativity.

🔅Darling Nikki Reflects Their Fun Vibe: The salon’s name, inspired by the Prince song, embodies their playful and unique approach to building a welcoming and stylish space.

🔅Expect the Unexpected: Opening a salon takes longer than expected and comes with unforeseen challenges, but persistence and adaptability are key.

🔅Take Risks and Follow Your Passion: They encourage aspiring salon owners to seize opportunities and pursue their dreams, even when the path is uncertain.

🔅Collaboration Builds Culture: The duo emphasizes creating a team environment where stylists contribute to shaping the salon’s culture, fostering a sense of ownership and connection.

👉Follow Darling Nikki Salon on Instagram

The Hairdresser Strong Show is all about Salon Owners, Rising Stylists, and Seasoned Stylists sharing their experiences, successes, failures, and advice to inform, educate, and empower their Fellow Hairdresser. We won’t stop until we are all: Hairdresser Strong.


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The views and opinions of our guests are theirs and important to hear. Each guest's views and opinions are their own and we aim to bring you diverse perspectives, career paths and thoughts about the craft and industry so you can become Hairdresser Strong! They do not necessarily reflect the positions of HairdresserStrong.com.

Robert Hughes:

Have you ever thought about opening up a salon?

Robert Hughes:

Or maybe you own a salon and you've always wondered what other people's experience was like, if you're planning on it or you're curious about other people's experiences.

Robert Hughes:

Well, we have a special miniseries that we're going to be releasing over the course of time.

Robert Hughes:

We are talking today with Brianne and Jessica who are co owners of Darling Nikki, which is a four chair salon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvan.

Robert Hughes:

They have a unique story and we get to follow their process of, from, from pre opening to opening and beyond.

Robert Hughes:

And we'll follow them for at least the first year of their journey and watch them grow.

Robert Hughes:

Welcome back to the Hairdresser Strong Show.

Robert Hughes:

My name is Robert Hughes and I am your host.

Robert Hughes:

And today I'm with Jessica Morrison and Brianne Blazowski, co owners of Darling Nikki, a four chair salon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Robert Hughes:

How you doing today, Brianne and Jess?

Jessica Morrison:

We're good.

Jessica Morrison:

We're good.

Brianne Blazowski:

We're stressed, but we're good.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

So I think, I think the first thing we should do is give us a little, kind of understand who you are.

Robert Hughes:

So are you all from the industry, operators, hairdressers or have any experience prior to opening up the salon?

Brianne Blazowski:

So I have been in the industry for just a little over 20 years, but I am not a hairstylist.

Brianne Blazowski:

I've never had a license, I've never been a hairdresser.

Brianne Blazowski:

I have always been on the management ends of salons.

Brianne Blazowski:

Jessica and I met in college and we were in school for fashion design.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I got a job as a receptionist in a little $10 10 minute haircut salon in Philadelphia and said, come work with me, it's so fun.

Brianne Blazowski:

Let's, let's, I love being in the salon.

Brianne Blazowski:

Like, let's do this.

Brianne Blazowski:

And so she came and was also a receptionist.

Brianne Blazowski:

And for me, from that point I just kept working in salon after salon after salon, left Philadelphia, was managing salons back home in Pittsburgh.

Brianne Blazowski:

Then I moved to Los Angeles where I opened Angus Mitchell's first brick and mortar salon in Beverly Hills and was the manager there and then came back to Pittsburgh, managed more salons.

Brianne Blazowski:

And so that's my experience in the industry.

Jessica Morrison:

I took a different route.

Jessica Morrison:

I went with the fashion design degree that she and I received and I went to New York and spent 10 years there designing clothes and then moved to San Francisco, design clothes there for a little bit longer and then slid into recruiting in a tech company.

Jessica Morrison:

And then my husband got transferred to Seattle and I had to find a New gig.

Jessica Morrison:

And I happened upon a hair salon chain that needed help.

Jessica Morrison:

And I thought, oh, it's just a chain.

Jessica Morrison:

And I realized that Jean Maurez Salons and Spas was one of the biggest and oldest chains in the Pacific Northwest.

Jessica Morrison:

I ran their home office and their call center and dipped my toe into the actual salon of it all.

Jessica Morrison:

Also, nearly as admin, I transferred into recruiting for them.

Jessica Morrison:

So I was finding stylists, I was finding housekeeping, I was finding front desk people.

Jessica Morrison:

And it was the most fun I had ever had since college.

Jessica Morrison:

And when I left Seattle and moved to Pittsburgh, I was still looking for that vibe and didn't find it yet.

Jessica Morrison:

I sort of fell back into fashion a little bit.

Jessica Morrison:

And then nonprofit work, which is very rewarding but can drive you up a wall.

Jessica Morrison:

And Brienne and I were talking one day very early in the morning, and someone said to me, we're buying a salon today.

Jessica Morrison:

Someone else said, I haven't had my coffee yet.

Jessica Morrison:


Brianne Blazowski:

Yeah, I was, I was on Facebook.

Brianne Blazowski:

I, I actually also own a sheer sharpening business.

Brianne Blazowski:

So my boyfriend does all the sharpening and I'm the base of the company.

Brianne Blazowski:

I go in and I talk to all the stylists.

Brianne Blazowski:

Stylist and in the salon owner since I've been in the industry forever.

Brianne Blazowski:

And then we do all the sharpening and so we follow all of the stylists pretty much in Pittsburgh.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I was on Facebook and somebody just put up their salon for sale that she had gotten pregnant and wanted to focus on that and get rid of her salon.

Brianne Blazowski:

And yeah, I called her and said we're buying a salon today.

Brianne Blazowski:

We have an appointment at 2:00.

Brianne Blazowski:

So that's, that's kind of how we got here.

Robert Hughes:

That's exciting.

Robert Hughes:

So, so yeah, I.

Jessica Morrison:


Robert Hughes:

It sounds like you all have plenty of know how to, to open up and run a business.

Robert Hughes:

And so the only thing you don't have is the, the skill set to do the actual hair.

Robert Hughes:

And so have you.

Robert Hughes:

So, so, so that's like.

Robert Hughes:

But I mean you can find hairdressers, you know, you, I think the business having the business acumen and understanding like, you know, recruiting.

Robert Hughes:

So like, hopefully won't.

Robert Hughes:

Will be, you know, something, you know, it's in your wheelhouse.

Robert Hughes:

So it's not like, you know, you're like learning how to talk to hairdressers for the first time and managing them.

Robert Hughes:

Sounds like you both have a lot of experience there.

Robert Hughes:

So that's cool.

Robert Hughes:

That's cool.

Robert Hughes:

Okay, so.

Robert Hughes:

So tell us a little bit.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

So you decide to, oh, you're going to buy this salon.

Robert Hughes:

And how long ago was that?

Robert Hughes:

Oh, and by the way, everybody, it is Sunday, November 24th.

Robert Hughes:

It is the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Robert Hughes:

All right, so when.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

So when did you, what you call it, when did this happen?

Robert Hughes:

When did you say you're going to buy the salon?

Brianne Blazowski:

So that was in February.

Brianne Blazowski:

We took over the salon on May 1st.

Brianne Blazowski:


Brianne Blazowski:

And were able to do so with just personal investors that we found.

Brianne Blazowski:

And that hung us up a little bit.

Jessica Morrison:

And we had a goal that may 1st we would take possession, make our changes cosmetically that we wished to make and be able to open by, I think unrealistically, we said something crazy like June.

Jessica Morrison:

And then we went and looked at things a little bit more soundly and said, okay, well it'll probably be end of July, first week of August.

Jessica Morrison:

And as you said, it is Thanksgiving weekend and we will be opening for clients officially on December 3rd.

Jessica Morrison:

That Tuesday.

Brianne Blazowski:

Yeah, yeah.

Brianne Blazowski:

Took a little longer than we thought.

Brianne Blazowski:


Robert Hughes:

And you said something about investors?

Brianne Blazowski:

Yes, yes.

Brianne Blazowski:

We had just personal investors back us on this.

Brianne Blazowski:

That's how we've been able to do that.

Brianne Blazowski:

So very generous from friends and family and people in our lives.

Brianne Blazowski:


Brianne Blazowski:

And so some, you know, you're, you're counting on your friends and your family to come through with that money and sometimes it just takes a little bit longer.

Brianne Blazowski:

So that was the main reason that we kind of had to stretch this out further than than planned.

Brianne Blazowski:

But we are all set now, ready to go in one week.

Jessica Morrison:

And we do have.

Jessica Morrison:

Yeah, we have some things still to finish.

Jessica Morrison:

But we have been very lucky that we've been able to do most of the work ourselves, if not all of it.

Robert Hughes:

Okay, a little off topic maybe, but just because it came up, did your investors, were they debt based or equity based investors?

Brianne Blazowski:


Robert Hughes:

Okay, cool.

Robert Hughes:

I'm still curious to know how many, if there are any salons that start opening with like multiple parties and anyway.

Robert Hughes:

Okay, cool.

Robert Hughes:

So you borrow some money from friends and family, things kind of drag a little bit.

Robert Hughes:

But if you put it all, all the pieces come together eventually a little longer than you expected.

Robert Hughes:

Which high here is completely normal.

Robert Hughes:

From all the interviews I've done, they almost everyone says double, at minimum, double the amount of time that you think it's going to take.

Robert Hughes:

I mean, I don't know if that's an actual scientific number, but I get the idea, you know.

Robert Hughes:

Okay, so say again?

Jessica Morrison:

It feels scientific.

Brianne Blazowski:

Yeah, we thought, we thought three months.

Brianne Blazowski:

It was six.

Brianne Blazowski:

So yeah, we Doubled it.

Robert Hughes:

So, yeah, absolutely.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

Okay, cool.

Robert Hughes:

All right.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

So I want to get.

Robert Hughes:

I want to get the specifics of your story, building it out, but I think we'll save that for talking about your.

Robert Hughes:

After your opening.

Robert Hughes:

We'll get the kind of like the build up to the opening, how the opening went and what.

Robert Hughes:

And how it's going in about a month or two.

Robert Hughes:

And so for now, what.

Robert Hughes:

I guess what we all want to know is like leading.

Robert Hughes:

As you kind of like gear up for the opening, what are you thinking in terms of?

Robert Hughes:

What is your vibe, the culture?

Robert Hughes:

Like if, say I'm a hair, I'm a hairdresser, so how would you tell me what it's going to be like?

Robert Hughes:

I guess, yeah, pitch me on.

Robert Hughes:

On why I want to come and work there.

Robert Hughes:

I mean, not necessarily why.

Robert Hughes:

I'm more curious about, like the inspiration behind things, but if you want to throw in a why, you could do that too.

Brianne Blazowski:

I spent a lot of years of my life living in a salon every day.

Brianne Blazowski:

And like Jessica said, it's the most fun that I've ever had.

Brianne Blazowski:

It's my favorite industry that I've ever been in.

Brianne Blazowski:

I've been in events, I've been in restaurant management.

Brianne Blazowski:

I've done several things and I always come back to salons because I just love it.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I've always thought about getting my license and just never did it.

Brianne Blazowski:

But I just love being in and around it.

Brianne Blazowski:

And the sharpening business has really been great because I'm in five, six different salons every single day and it's so much fun.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I think I've always just had the dream that someday I would have my own, not really knowing what that would look like since I don't have a license.

Brianne Blazowski:

But, you know, I don't think that you necessarily need one.

Brianne Blazowski:

I mean, I ran all of the salons that I, that I worked in.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I know that it's usually there's that one stylist that's going to, it's going to open, it is going to do it.

Brianne Blazowski:

But they are spending a full to 8 to 10 hour day behind the chair, their own business, and make sure that everything is running smoothly or they have to rely on other people.

Brianne Blazowski:

And what we came up with for Darling Nikki is something that we're calling concierge management.

Brianne Blazowski:

That we are creating a space where the stylist can come in and be creative and have to do or think about nothing else.

Brianne Blazowski:

They don't have to worry about the front desk because we're going to Be the front desk staff.

Brianne Blazowski:

They don't have to worry about their appointments, checking them in, checking them out, running the schedule or the calendar.

Brianne Blazowski:

We're going to handle all of that.

Brianne Blazowski:

They don't have to worry about the marketing.

Brianne Blazowski:

I mean, everybody's going to have to be responsible, of course, for doing their own marketing of themselves.

Brianne Blazowski:

And with Instagram and social media and TikTok, obviously everybody's doing that.

Brianne Blazowski:

But, you know, we are going to be available the entire days that we're here, just putting our efforts behind marketing the salon and marketing each stylist and getting all of that out there.

Brianne Blazowski:

And any clients that we do bring in, we're not taking for ourselves.

Brianne Blazowski:

They're just going to be, you know, disseminated amongst our stylists.

Brianne Blazowski:

They don't have to worry about the cleaning aspect of it either.

Brianne Blazowski:

I mean, we are here all day.

Brianne Blazowski:

We're going to do the towels, we're going to hold the towels, we're going to, you know, clean up after everybody.

Jessica Morrison:

Inventory, that's not their responsibility.

Jessica Morrison:

We've adapted to a specific system that will let us know when inventory runs low.

Jessica Morrison:

No one's going to forget to do payroll because they had 16 clients back to back and didn't take a break and didn't eat and couldn't go to the bathroom.

Jessica Morrison:

That's on us.

Jessica Morrison:

That's not happening here.

Jessica Morrison:

I also have had friends who are stylists, worked in salons, got annoyed at the management, got annoyed at the politics and said, well, I can do this by myself.

Jessica Morrison:

Decided to have a sola.

Jessica Morrison:

It did not work out, but it's all on you.

Jessica Morrison:

So not only are you doing your hair for all of your clients, then you're sitting there trying to make sure that everything gets accounted for.

Jessica Morrison:

I don't want my creative people to have to think like that.

Jessica Morrison:

Go be creative.

Jessica Morrison:

Leave the boring stuff to me because I'm good at it and we like it.

Brianne Blazowski:

I love the minutia of all of my spreadsheets and things like that.

Jessica Morrison:

So she does love a spreadsheet more than I thought possible.

Jessica Morrison:

But we're great.

Jessica Morrison:

It's fantastic because I can just run to it and say, oh, this is the check I need to.

Jessica Morrison:

Okay, cool.

Brianne Blazowski:


Brianne Blazowski:

Everybody in their lane and the stylist lane should be creative.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I want to just give them that space that they can come in and only do that and leave and know that everything else is taken care of.

Brianne Blazowski:

The rent is always going to be paid, the bills are always going to be paid because it's the sole thing that we're doing, and we're available to them 24 hours a day because it's never.

Brianne Blazowski:

We're never going to have anyone in our chair taking up our time.

Brianne Blazowski:

Our time is here spent solely for first our team and then second, our guests.

Brianne Blazowski:


Brianne Blazowski:

And I'm super passionate about that, and I think that you are too.

Brianne Blazowski:

And we're really excited to kind of create that business model.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

That sounds awesome.

Robert Hughes:

It sounds very attractive.

Robert Hughes:

And so what would, like, a customer experience be like at Darling Nikki?

Brianne Blazowski:

Well, hopefully, you know, everybody falls in line with the concept that every client or guest that walks through the door is that of the salon.

Brianne Blazowski:

Of course, they have their personal person that's going to take care of them, their personal hairstylist.

Brianne Blazowski:

But we want to create a really nice family environment here that everybody knows, everybody.

Brianne Blazowski:

We really want collaboration.

Brianne Blazowski:

That's another part of just the way that we want to run this, especially with our first few stylists that are going to be our first team working here to kind of help us create that culture.

Brianne Blazowski:

What do you want?

Brianne Blazowski:

Like, let's.

Brianne Blazowski:

Let's hear it.

Brianne Blazowski:

You know, we are not set in any ways that we've been doing things for the last 40 years.

Brianne Blazowski:

You know, we're here to just keep up with what's new and what's going to work.

Brianne Blazowski:

So hopefully that client experience is really going to feel that.

Brianne Blazowski:

They're going to feel that it's collaborative.

Brianne Blazowski:

They're going to feel that it's new, that it's fresh, that it's not coming from a place of, you know, being tired or being bored or being jaded.

Brianne Blazowski:

Everything just.

Brianne Blazowski:

I want everything to feel new and different.

Jessica Morrison:

You're welcomed by name by everyone who's here.

Jessica Morrison:

Not exactly a cheers mentality, but everyone knows who everyone's client is.

Jessica Morrison:

You're ushered through the salon.

Jessica Morrison:

If your stylist isn't ready for you yet, there's a coffee bar, a nice waiting area.

Jessica Morrison:

Oh, would you like to buy some things?

Jessica Morrison:

We've got more than just product as an availability.

Jessica Morrison:

Then your stylist comes out, you have your conversation, you go back to our wash house and your service begins.

Jessica Morrison:

And it's all tailored to you.

Jessica Morrison:

It's personal, it's very high touch and high level so that when you leave, you know that you've been taken care of.

Brianne Blazowski:

And us taking all of those other things off of the stylus plate gives them the freedom to have that real high touch service with their clients.

Robert Hughes:

So, all right, and what about the aesthetic of this space?

Robert Hughes:

What's Your all's vibe on that?

Brianne Blazowski:

Well, it's a very interesting space that we got, which we can certainly talk about more at a later time.

Brianne Blazowski:

But we did have some constraints that we definitely have to lean into.

Brianne Blazowski:

But we've chosen to call the salon Darling Nikki, which is a Prince song.

Brianne Blazowski:

I don't know how many people are familiar with it, but it's one of our favorite songs by Prince ever.

Brianne Blazowski:

And it's a very dirty song.

Brianne Blazowski:

It's filthy.

Brianne Blazowski:

And when Jessica was little, she could not be stopped from performing it when people would come over at a very inappropriate age.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I think it's the funniest thing about her story, and I love it.

Brianne Blazowski:

And I thought that it was a perfect thing to pay homage to in naming the salon Darling Nikki.

Brianne Blazowski:

And yes, and she agreed.

Jessica Morrison:

I did.

Jessica Morrison:

We threw around lots of names.

Jessica Morrison:

Tongue in cheek.

Jessica Morrison:

My daughter actually took one of the tongue in cheek names that we chose and drew a picture of it at school, which I'm surprised did not cause a phone call to come home, because we were thinking of calling this on I'll cut you and having scissors in it.

Jessica Morrison:

But we opted for Darling Making.

Jessica Morrison:

And our mail carrier came in and saw the sign and said, is that.

Jessica Morrison:

Is that a print song?

Jessica Morrison:

Well, of course it is.

Jessica Morrison:

And so it became a if you know, you know, situation.

Brianne Blazowski:

And if you don't, it's still a cute name, I think.

Brianne Blazowski:

But if you know, you know, and you know, we kind of.

Brianne Blazowski:

There's definitely pops of prints throughout the salon.

Brianne Blazowski:

Like, he's.

Brianne Blazowski:

He's definitely here.

Brianne Blazowski:

So that's kind of the.

Brianne Blazowski:


Brianne Blazowski:

Just making sure that everywhere you go, you might just see a little bit of prints.

Brianne Blazowski:


Jessica Morrison:


Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

Well, I'm really excited for your opening.

Robert Hughes:

I'm thinking for the next time we get together, I'm sure the audience would love to maybe have you in the salon and you can show us around.

Robert Hughes:

I think that'd be really cool.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

Okay, cool.

Robert Hughes:

So that you see.

Robert Hughes:

You heard it, folks.

Robert Hughes:

We're going to get to see the inside of the salon that we're going to be paying attention to the opening and the growth.

Robert Hughes:

And we're really excited to watch your story, and I'm really excited to be able to document it as it's happening.

Robert Hughes:

And I think this will be a really cool experience for somebody, especially like, you know, after year one, be able to look back and see how much you've grown.

Robert Hughes:

So I'm really excited for you all.

Brianne Blazowski:

Thank you.

Brianne Blazowski:

We're excited, too.

Robert Hughes:


Jessica Morrison:

All right.

Robert Hughes:

Have a.

Robert Hughes:

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Robert Hughes:

And we will.

Robert Hughes:

We'll see you all.

Robert Hughes:

I'm thinking maybe we'll do something in January, in the new year to check in, get you through your opening, through the holidays.

Robert Hughes:

When the dust settles, we'll link up with inside of your salon and we'll get to see the inside and get to hear all about how the opening went.

Robert Hughes:

And yeah, is there anything, any bit of piece of information that you think we should add into this or any sort of words of newly found wisdom for somebody who doesn't want to wait the year to see how it goes and is thinking they're going to jump in.

Robert Hughes:

Maybe they're thinking of pulling the trigger right now and they're on the fence and they're not even going to get to wait till January.

Robert Hughes:

Do you have any, anything you'd like to say to that person?

Brianne Blazowski:

My advice is pull the trigger.

Brianne Blazowski:

There's never a good time to do anything.

Brianne Blazowski:

I mean, my shear sharpening business wasn't that old when we decided to do this.

Brianne Blazowski:

And like I said, I just called her and said, we're doing this today.

Brianne Blazowski:

Like this is a good opportunity.

Brianne Blazowski:

Let's just do it.

Brianne Blazowski:

And went for it.

Brianne Blazowski:

And we're figuring it out as we go and failure is just not an option.

Brianne Blazowski:

And every day we just put out whatever fire comes up and keep it moving.

Jessica Morrison:

I would say if, if anything, if you're unhappy where you are, find your heart's most passionate purpose and follow it.

Jessica Morrison:

It's freaking scary, but follow it.

Brianne Blazowski:


Robert Hughes:

That's nice.

Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:


Robert Hughes:

Well, if you're in Pittsburgh, go by and check out Darling Nikki.

Robert Hughes:

They'll be open the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Robert Hughes:

And until then, have a wonderful holiday.

Robert Hughes:

Happy, happy New Year, and I'll see you all in January.

Jessica Morrison:

Sounds good.

Brianne Blazowski:


About the Podcast

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The Hairdresser Strong Show
Supporting Rising & Transforming Stylists

About your host

Profile picture for Robert Hughes

Robert Hughes

-Said by ME!
Robert started his hair journey as a kid in rural America offering haircuts on the street to kids in the neighborhood, not realizing, one day, he would find himself working the front desk at a hair salon while in high school. From there, his experience from salon-to-salon has included the front of the house, back of the house, stylist, educator, and consultant. It was during this movement through various salons he developed a passion to empower stylists and educate owners on how to raise the industry standard of excellence, mutual respect, and professionalism amongst stylists, managers, owners, and clients. Robert currently is the General Manager and a Master Stylist at Violet Salon in Georgetown, DC.